
We have major house obsessions over here. Long before we were sittinginatree we were working in the interior design industry crushing on chairs, rearranging our furniture at 2 am, and tearing pages out of Domino magazine. Our houses our true illustrations of who we are- not just a residence, but a home. A tour through both of our houses would teach you volumes about who we are as people. We collect many of the same pieces of furniture, but our houses could not be more different. Myka's is sparkling white, full of clean lines and modern references. Mine is bohemian, colorful, and full of furry children.
So because my home is such an extension of me, I've always been curious about the way other people live. At night, walking my dogs, I adore when windows light up and I can catch a glimpse of what's inside the homes of those around me. Little stories are told about who people are and what they do. For years I've stalked Design Sponge and Apartment Therapy falling in love with peoples' mementos and collections. And at times I've been tempted to document my own space through photography, capturing on film what it says about who I am, for the world to study and love or loath, just as I've done with so many others. So, naturally, I'm pretty smitten with this series of photos Feather Love shot of people inside their dwellings. Their cabinet of curiosities, as she calls it. Nothing could be more up my alley.
Here's Ingrid in her San Francisco home. Enjoy.