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The Cream Video. Los Angeles. 

Hey now.  Have you seen this little video my husband, Austin Hendrix, put together from our night at The Cream in Los Angleles?  Such a fun night filled with friends, clients, & inspiration.  And you might spy little Miss Lucca Valentine too!


The Cream. Los Angeles.

{Sarah Yates from Birds of a Feather}

I'm so excited to be coming back to take part in The Cream at the Book Bindery Building on March 1st. Remember that table top I created for the first one (back when it was called Hitched)?  Here comes round two... and there will be an amazing crop this time around, including, my husband!  You can see his lil video he made of the first one here.  I have a feeling this one will be ten times better....

So if you want to meet me, or him, or any of the amazing people that will be there, I'm giving away 2 tickets. I'll be back tomorrow to tell you how you can win them!

Until then. 




Getting really Personal. The Birth of Lucca Valentine.

This is probably the most personal thing I've ever shared, but here it is.  The birth of my daughter, just last week.  


Pink or Blue.

Back in May, my husband and I learned we were expecting our first child.  In August, we were overjoyed to find out the sex of our baby and announced it to our friends and family with the below video... 

Tomorrow I'll be back to share the culmination of our very personal journey.


Pink Or Blue? from Austin Hendrix on Vimeo.




For My Husband.  

Happy Birthday to you.  Happy Birthday to you.  Happy Birthday to my dear husband, Happy Birthday to you.

Here we are another year later- stronger for many reasons and blessed for countless others.  How lucky I am to have found you those years ago.  My best friend, companion, soul mate.  The person who cries beside me in times of sorrow, holds my hand in times of uncertainty, and helped teach me that I'm stronger than I ever thought I was.  Words that aren't taken lightly- I know not every one is blessed to have someone like you in their life and I am so blessed to have you by my side.   I can't wait to see where this next year takes us.  On our biggest adventure yet, that is for certain.  How glad I am to have you with me on this journey.  

I love you madly.  



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