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Happy Holidays.

These are just too pretty not to share (even if they are my daughter).  I had a last minute vision of a mini wonderland I wanted to create after seeing some tiny trees in Target and luckily, my gal Rachel from Studio Castillero, was happy to shoot it.  And.... to say that she shot what I had imagined in my head would be an understatement.  This girl delivers and we are so happy to have these images from Miss Valentine's first Christmas.  

I hope you've all found yourself someplace magical for these last few days of December.  It truly is my favorite time of year and I'm so sad to see it go...

Thanks for another great year and all your continued love and support!


 {Studio Castillero}


A Mrs. Lilien Holiday.  

Holiday shoots are some of my fave.  I mean, we all know I'm a fan of a lot of sparkle and shine and there is no better time of year to show this off than the holidays.  So getting to collaborate with Mrs. Lilien, Joielala, The Hostess Haven, & my husband, Mr. Austin Hendrix, on this fun shoot was a dream come true.  Check out the full post on 100 Layer Cake & Mrs. Lilien's blog today.  


And of course, the good time video:

Mingle Belle Rock from Austin Hendrix on Vimeo.



Holiday Happiness.

I'm totally with Tori on this one, I'm always a little bummed out when Christmas is over.  I get so excited about spending time with my family & G's, that the day after I'm already looking forward to the next year!  This year we headed up to Portland a week early to celebrate with my brother, his oh so adorable family, and my madre.  The majority of our visit consisted of lots & lots of kid time with my niece and nephew...that left me smiling for days!  We spent Christmas day with G's family and my dad here in the bay area.  It was wonderful and so much food was inhaled that I think I may still be full!  G's mom put together quite the holiday tablescape.  I was very impressed with her "White Christmas" decor.  She even handmade those wreaths and mini trees using pages from old dictionaries....they were amazing!!!  These past two weeks with our families have been beyond wonderful and I'm already wanting it to be Christmas 2011!  In order to cure my post-holiday blues, I'm focusing on New Year's Eve and what oh what should I wear?!?  Hmmmmm, still deciding between feathers or sequins.  Will keep ya posted!

xoxo, Myka


A Modern Christmas. On 100 Layer Cake.  

We've always adored 100 Layer Cake and are super excited to be featured on this gorgeous blog today.  Run on over and check out all the holiday sparkle from our shoot with Joielala Photography.  We'll be back on Monday with wayyyyy more eye candy from this winter day!

{Joielala Photography}


A Honeymoon Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving in New Zealand was incredible.  Yes, I said it, we had our very own little celebration while on our honeymoon.  Our amazing friend Nicole (Georges and I have known her since our college days), now lives in a small beach town just outside of downtown Auckland (she was one of the major reasons why we chose NZ as our honeymoon destination).  She and her boyfriend Andy treated us to a Thanksgiving feast that was outta control.  It was Nicole's first time cooking the entire Thanksgiving meal ALL BY HERSELF, and I must give her major props.  Everything was scrumptious!

Nicole even had to go to the "American Store" to try and find cool whip for the pumpkin pie.  No such luck, but she did find this "Dream Whip" (which looks like it's circa 1982).  Don't let the box fool you, it was delicious. 

The meal was amazing...and so was the company.  The next morning they took us on a little walk through their neighborhood.  The houses were gorgeous and of course there was yet another beautiful beach right around the corner.

Thank you Nicole & Andy!!!  We had so much fun spending Thanksgiving with you two and your cute friends!

Next tasting and yes, more yummy meals.  

xoxo, Myka

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